Hafgrim Wildfang
Gentleman of Fortune
gentleman of fortune

Name: Hafgrim Wildfang
Clan: Lost | Helion
Birthplace: Martrvje, Ilsabard
Age: 28 Winters
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Gender: Male
Height: 6 Fulms, 11 Ilms
Weight: 425 Ponz
Voice Claim: Vander
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship: Single
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Occupation: Hunter | Mercenary
Companions: Hunting Hawk - Name: Syn | Chocobo - Name: Tjorvi
Two piercingly, golden eyes study their surroundings from their narrow sockets. A broad nose rests below, but it's the scarred up mouth further down that takes all the attention. A thin smirk reveals two long and sharp canines as well as a coarse tongue. Broad pointy ears, covered in tufts of fur sit on each side of his large, squared head, which itself is covered in long, snow white locks, braids and twisted hair.His tall, athletic body is slightly hunched over. Two thick arms hang at his sides and end in wide hands with thick fingers, each with short claw-like nails. His legs are wide and are slightly bent, each ending in broad feet.His body is covered in thick fur and his shoulders are broader than his pelvis, from which a long, thick tail sways back and forth.
Where it all began

Born of both clans, Hafgrim is the bastard son to a Helion named Thorgrim Bjorsson, a high ranking member of the Queen's Blades. His mother is Sveidra of the Lost, a Vagrant and Fortune Teller, set on wandering the continent as was the way of her people. Thorgrim and Sveidra's relationship was brief but passionate and fruitful, bearing a single son. One that would come to hardly know his father - who not only served the Queen as one of her Blades but was also married, further complicating things. Needless to say, Haf spent most of his childhood with his mother and the rest of the Lost tribes. The only exception would be when his Uncle Grimstad would show up to tell him stories and pass down to him, the ways of the Gunblades.He longed for a relationship with his father and wanted nothing more than to be one of the famed Gunblades but eventually his mind, body and soul would adopt the ways of the Lost and he'd find himself wandering even further than his Kin, ending up in Eorzea. Carrying little to nothing with him save for the Gunblade that was passed down to him by his uncle, a spare pistol and few other things, he made his way as a "gun-for-hire" that eventually led to him being known as a "Bounty Hunter" who dabbled in "Monster Hunting" and "Tomb Raiding". However, odd jobs are what keeps ale and food in his belly and ammo in his weapons, so those jobs come in handy here and there when the Gil starts to dry up.
business affiliations

Grim Dealings
Not your mother's Free Company! This is a Limited Liability Company that has been licensed by the Adventurer's Guild for a variety of services. The prodigious duo running this LLC are definitely not afraid to get their hands dirty, so inquire within for a list of services provided.

Formally under the Free Company name - The Autumn Oath, he came on board with his Partner in Crime and they were sworn in due to their particular skillsets but have yet to see the true colors of this group.

The Ivory Sparrows
Hafgrim came to the Sparrows as a Bounty Hunter looking for work. In his time with them, he also dabbled in Cage Fighting, going 3-0 during his time there, tended the bar and pulled security when needed. In no time, he was promoted to Bounty Handler.

Curios & Curiosities
Hafgrim sought his fortune here through Treasure Hunting and Tomb Raiding. Acquisitions of a sort.

Hafgrim would serve as resident drinker and Bodyguard. Occasionally tending to the Free Company's Chocobo companions.
he's got the looks
Tanking the good with the bad..

OOC Info:
- Player age: 21+
- Active Days/Times: Mon-Thu @ 8PM-10PM / Fri @ 8PM til whenever / Sat @ Almost all day depending on the day / Sun @ Almost all day til 10PM. ( Roughly.. )
- RP Availability: Discord pretty much anytime. In Game for scheduled events and pretty much at the days/times listed above.
- Here for: All types of RP (Long term/Short term, etc.).
- Looking for: Business Contacts, Enemies, Friends, Lovers, Rivals, You name it.Hooks
- Are you a fellow Hrothgar? Do you hail from Ilsabard? Are you carrying on the ways of the Gunblades?
- Are you a fellow Mercenary? Bounty Hunter? Monster Hunter?
- Have you crossed Hafgrim? Has he crossed you? Are we Rivals?
- Are you that maiden that swooned over him after he rescued you and promised to come back to you but never did? No? Phew..
- Are you simply another Adventurer looking for some company in your travels?
- Are you a business contact with a Bounty or some other type of job for Grim Dealings? Visit us at their office @ (Will update once the Apartment is set back up) Mateus Server, Crystal Datacenter.Server: Mateus
Discord: Drifter#0877
Timezone: EST/EDT
(Artwork provided by a!!mlø, Lyquid Parade, LoneLionART, Spaceling Art & ObsidianArt)